This is not a Cheaters Website. This is a cheating website designed to expose "alleged" infidelity. The individual filling out this card states to have direct knowledge of this Male Person of Interest in Africa, and allege they likely reside in Abidjan, Ivory Coast. They may also travel to Oakville, Ontario (if no city stated then N/A) for work, school, or have a 2nd residence or vacation home there. It may be their home town.
This person of interest is approximately 30-34 years old.

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Submit form below if you have information about this "Person of Interest"
Form submissions can only be made by logged in users, are anonymous and not publicly available. Catch a cheater online free
is a self detective service to bust infidelity of Husbands, Wife, Boyfriend or Girlfriend and for healing from that hurt.
By submitting the HotCard Cheater Alert form the system will message the person who published the information in the "Dossier" (above), and that you
possibly have direct knowledge about the
"Person of Interest" (The Alleged Cheating Spouse ).
Click on the "I agree" button to open the form once you are logged in.