November 20, 2018

8 Stealth Ways to find out if my Spouse is cheating on me for free - Season 1 Article 1

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Do you have what it takes to

find out if your husband is cheating on you?

It takes guts after admitting you know something is terribly wrong in the relationship.  I've been there.

This series of articles starting in November 2018 will carry on throughout 2019 and cover many aspects of:

  1. The signs of infidelity

  2. To catch a Cheater

  3.  Using (are you seriously kidding?)
  4.  Fitness Trackers
  5.  Email with Maps
  6.  Invisible Whisper Audio plants
  7.  Mundane Apps never or rarely used
  8.  Good ol' flat foot investigating

This story starts back in the 80's when less hi-tech was available, but the methods and techniques took as much imagination then as it will for you today, to catch a cheating spouse.

First, we need to ask "DO YOU REALLY WANT TO CATCH HIM" (OR HER). What's the benefit? It's gonna hurt, it's going to take while and it could cost some money. One of the more important things we have to get out in the open is "it has little to do with the heartbreak if you end up in court". At that stage people are out for themselves and if you are not too you'll be eaten up and thrown out harder than you already felt from the previous years of pain.

These guides are going to approach the conundrum on a shoestring budget. Did they Cheat ( is a free self detective tool (cheater trap) and a good place to start with a standard search to see if in fact the person you intend to track may already be in the system. (OH No how could that be?). If he's cheating on you he could be cheating on the person he's cheating with. Huh? If the person he's with thinks he's single it makes sense if he dumped her maybe she's looking for the same clues you are. Oh wow yes.

Bookmark this page, we will list the entire series links here as they are written in the coming months.

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